.. _options_config: Running munin2smartphone ========================= .. contents:: Table of contents Command line options -------------------- (section in the works) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -V, --version show program's version number and exit -v, --verbose increase output verbosity -can be called multiple times: Levels: 0 time: error, 1 time: warning, 2 times: info, 3 times:debug --coloredlogs terminal logs are colored (using coloredlogs): default --no-coloredlogs terminal logs are NOT colored: default is colored logs -o OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir OUTPUTDIR html output directory (default: /home/feth/munin2smartphone) --configfile CONFIGFILE --logfile LOGFILE --cache_directory CACHE_DIRECTORY munin2smartphone cache directory (defaults to /home/feth/.cache/munin2smartphone) --port PORT listening TCP port (defaults to 8765) --listening-address LISTENING_ADDRESS listening IP address (defaults to --timezone TIMEZONE Timezone for html output -internal dates are UTC (defaults to Europe/Paris) Configuration file ------------------ Configuration files are on the roadmap but are not handled yet.